Reset Password
Please enter your email address and
click Reset Password.
Click, do not press enter.
If your email exists, an email will be sent with instructions on how to complete your password reset.
Reset Password
If your email exists, an email will be sent with instructions on how to reset your password. Please allow up to 20 minutes for this email to deliver.
The email will be sent from
Please check your spam/junk folders.
Email Verification
A verification email has been sent.
Please be sure to check your spam/junk folders for the verification email.
If you're still unable to find the verification email, please contact your school.
Go to login
Password Reset
Your password reset has been successful.
Click Login below.
Password Reset
Your password reset has failed. Please click close to start the process again.
If you experience difficulties please contact School Synergy support.
Login Failed
The Microsoft account used to authenticate does not exist within Project Q.
Please sign out and try again using your School Email.
Sign Out
Access Blocked
Your account is unable to login outside your School.
Please contact your School Administrator.
Go back to login
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We have detected that you may be using an older Internet Browser such as Internet Explorer.
Project Q requires the use of a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge.